
Gender, Politics and Policies in the US and Across the World


Units: 6


This course will address three main themes:

1.-Women political participation in the U.S. and in selected countries across the world including the expansion of political and voting rights, the role of women as political leaders and the overall participation of women in the political and policymaking process.

Within the U.S., we will pay attention to the situation of racial and sexual minorities including African-American and Latina women, as well as issues affecting Lesbian and Transgender Women.

2.-The evolution of women’s economic rights in the U.S. and selected countries. Central issues here are the wage gap, the glass ceiling, and the overall female participation in the private sector.

3.-Women in conflict and sex trafficking: Lastly, the course will examine the role of women in conflict as both participants and victims as well as the role of both men and women in preventing sex trafficking.

Goals of this course: The readings and class discussions are going to focus not only what has happened, but also on the policies that have been implemented and should be implemented to reduce the negative effect of past actions.

The course should be of interest to both men and women because we are all part of the same society.
