
Policy and Gender Workshop


Units: 3


This course will meet April 1, 2023 (9:00 AM to 3:00 PM) & April 2, 2023 (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM) at the Heinz College Washington DC campus.  Students are expected to attend in person.

While other courses examine policies that disproportionately impact women, this "micro" course will look at an range of current policy issues and explore the previously under-examined gender aspects, and impacts, of these policies. Students will be exposed to research and various tools used to conduct gender analyses. Using a foundational understanding of gender analysis, students will review current policy proposals, analyze and report on how gender plays a role in the policy implementation, and make recommendations to improve the proposals so that they will achieve greater gender equality.

Learning Outcomes

-Expose students to the concept of a "gender lens" for public policy

-Provide students with the tools to conduct gender analyses

-Provide students the opportunity to analyze current policy proposals

-Communicate recommendations to policy makers in an organized and concise manner

Prerequisites Description
