
Cybersecurity Policy and Governance II


Units: 6


The ability to secure information within a modern enterprise is a growing challenge. Threats to information security are global, persistent, and increasingly sophisticated. Long gone are the days when managers could hope to secure the enterprise through ad hoc means. Effective information security at the enterprise level requires participation, planning, and practice. Fortunately, the information security community has developed a variety of resources, methods, and best practices to help modern enterprises address the challenge. However, employing these tools demands a high degree of commitment, understanding, and skill—attributes that must be sustained through constant awareness and training. An essential part of the information security plan is cyber security policy – this includes the written plans for how the enterprise IT assets will be protected. This course provides students with information on the origin of cyber security policy, governance structures for policy creation, selection and implementation of policy, and audit and control functions to ensure compliance and efficacy. Students will be exposed to the national and international policy and legal considerations related to cybersecurity and cyberspace such as privacy, intellectual property, cybercrime, homeland security (i.e., critical infrastructure protection) and cyberwarfare, and the organizations involved in the formulation of such policies. Broader technology issues also are discussed to demonstrate the interdisciplinary influences and concerns that must be addressed in developing or implementing effective national cybersecurity laws and policies.

Learning Outcomes

Develop a working knowledge of types of policy, how policy is created, how to manage policy, measurement practices, and audit of policy Perform in-depth analysis of policy, failures in policy, and compare/contrast policies. Understand the importance of compliance and training in information security risk management.

Prerequisites Description

Recommended: 95-752 - Introduction to Information Security Management is recommended as a prerequisite course but is not required.
